Sometimes, you don't want, need or are not ready to hire a coach, and so, I developed TEN - Your Unique Journey. Your Journey, your way, because life can be better and a helping hand can make it easier
What is TEN?
It would be great if life were straight forward, it is usually our expectations of wanting a simpler life that can let us down. You see, life is a full contact sport.
A scaling question is a standard coaching tool. A
scaling question asks you to give a number between 0 - 10. 0 being the worst
and 10 being the best. The question could be anything, such as, what
number would you give regarding your life in general?
Firstly, your life is subjective to you. It's not really about the
number, but what the number represents to you. Then we have to consider
if you're being authentic or not. With expectations we place upon ourselves and from others, from where we
think we should fit in, societal pressures etc... authenticity can be a challenge in itself.
But then we have something else to consider. How to reach our 10?
Your journey is your own. We are mistaken to think there is only one way to our
destination. On a mathematical level there
are so many ways to get to 10. 1+9. 3+7, 5x2, 2x2+6. You get the
picture. There is no single way. You can make it your way, but it is helpful to know what 10 looks like to you.
This is what TEN is all about. Your Unique Journey.
What TEN provides:
'I'm my own coach' programme
A programme developed to help guide you in your own
self-development and self-discovery