Am I the coach for you?

My personality and coaching style can be too much for most people, which is why I am not a coach for everyone, and I wouldn't have it any other way.     I am a coach for those who actually want to change.  Those who want to be challenged, those who will do the work, those that want to achieve something different to what they have at the moment.

My clients are already successful in many ways, but it doesn't mean that there aren't struggles, whether it's within their professional or personal lives, coaching gets them back on the path they want to be on. 

I serve you to my best capabilities without fear of hurting your feelings or ego.  There are times that I am the only person in someone's life that is not trying to please or appease them in some way.  Sometimes your best thinking can be wrong, and I'm going to tell you when I think so, no matter who you are.

I can of course be kind and compassionate, but you are investing your time and money, I am therefore here to support you to get the results you want.

The specific areas I can support with:

  • Peak performance / maximising your potential
  • Self-discipline
  • Social / Communication skills
  • Sense of purpose / meaning
  • Productivity / taking action
  • Addictions / bad habits
  • Confidence / Self-belief
  • Personal Development
  • Happiness / fulfilment
  • Work / Life Balance
  • Health / Wellbeing
  • Stress reduction
  • Sleep quality
  • Goal setting
  • Leadership
  • Self-love

and more
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